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Centre des Hommes’ awareness program for children on the environment seeks to inculcate from an early age as infants that throwing plastic on the ground is harmful for not only themselves but for the ecosystem in general. It can lead to danger not only for humans but all other species. It awakens consciousness of how they must manage organic and inorganic wastes to serve other useful ends for man and the environment. We show how waste products can be used to build a simple shelter or make artistic artefacts. Related to this, CDH teams teach about the use of planting useful and fast-growing trees that can heal sickness and ease hunger.
These pictures below show our Environmental Education program.
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CDH Environmental Education Realisations To Several Schoolchildren in basic school
Environmental Education of collecting plastic waste. The idea behind after the course of environmental education is to raise awareness towards schoolchildren not to throw plastic waste on the ground and we invite them or people who live in the villages to know how to sort waste, to collect plastic bottles and bags and after that we made one experience of how to recycle plastic waste to build shelter for example, also we teach them how to use the plastic waste into another finished goods arts through a workshop.
Environmental education on planting useful trees. The idea behind is to teach schoolchildren from early age how to plant tree after raising their awareness on the benefit of trees planting. The idea also is not just to plant tree but to plant tree that can be more useful for them and can grow fast for harvesting so that they can use them in case their are sick or hungry. We plant with them medicinal plants and plants that give fruit to eat.