A dry toilet is good for making quality compost after treatment. People in villages are mostly farmers and they grow their own food. We want to build dry toilets for each individual householder in order to supply them directly with compost.
Therefore each individual householder must provide the compost for their organic vegetable production. As a result compost product must facilitate the production for more than hundred farmers in the villages. So they must have to harvest the good vegetables . As to say the good harvest might provide for them the survival of fighting hunger for a whole year. As life is not so easy for farmers in rural places.

For the good cause Centre des Hommes have assessed 150 householders who really in need of good health and hygiene in their home. Therefore our goal is to provide them the dry toilets in order to participate in the reduction of poverty. However, we are asking for a major help to the cause of hunger, good health and hygiene. So your contribution will improve the life of these farmers to have a dry toilet and to be able to make compost. Centre des Hommes is offering to give them an adequate training on how to do good treatment of dry toilet and to make compost. You can be of service to them, so that mean you can make a donation to make this project successful. Centre des Hommes requests people for the good will to intervienne, to act and to save this situation.
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